To my dear community of Tootgarook Ward and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
I would like to thank you for showing out with your mighty vote and support for me during my election campaign. It is with a heavy heart to advise that I was not successful in the re-election to retain my seat for Tootgarook Ward.
After the preferences were sorted Cam Williams was declared elected as Councillor for Tootgarook Ward after the preference distribution. Antonella Celi 4633 /Cam Williams 4929 Total votes 9562.
I take this opportunity to thank the community for your support and the amazing opportunity to serve you over the 14 years I have been on Council.
My Council journey has been an adventurous quest in every sense of the word, that has seen the achievement and delivery of great projects on the southern Peninsula, to many to mention, but all were what the community wanted and I had the privilege to work with Council and community to get them delivered!
I have met and worked alongside people from all walks of life, the Councillors, highly professional Council CEO, Directors, staff, industry stakeholders, State and Federal politicians and community interest groups who have taught me so much about our community, it's issues, it's strengths, dreams and goals that have helped shape Council strategies, plans and policies.
I am blessed to be a part of the Mornington Peninsula community, so no doubt will see you around as I continue to be involved.
Thank you to my campaign team and my family for being such a stronghold during my election. Your support was much appreciated. Amazing people.
Congratulations to Cam Williams and the newly elected Councillors. Wishing you all the best for the 2024-2028 Council term.
Thank you once again community for your tremendous support over the many years and congratulations for all that we have achieved.
Signing off Antonella Celi aka former Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor - Mornington Peninsula Shire 2010-2024.
- Completion and opening of the aquatic centre in (Yawa) & youth hub (Tounnin Wominjeka) In Rosebud
- Adoption of the Shire's arts and culture plan 2020-2024; “We All Belong” Strategy; Grants and Sponsorships: Council's Community Investment Funding Policy
- Rosebud library public toilet refurbishment
- Plan for maintenance upgrade to Memorial Hall
- Construction of Footpaths in Rosebud, Capel Sound Illaroo St & Tootgarook Alma Street and inclusion of others in MPS Footpath & Pedestrian Network Strategy.
- Construction of drainage & road at Broadway, Capel Sound
- Improvements to early learning centre Seawinds Hub
- New building for the Woodworkers of the Southern Peninsula and relocation of the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club
- Upgrades to sports pavilion at Olympic Park Rosebud
- Construction of six new netball courts Truemans Road
- Cricket nets at Truemans Road oval, Rosebud and Dromana
- Road reconstruction, kerb and channel Wilkinson Road, Tootagrook
- Introduction of FOGO organic waste bin collection
- Reinstated the additional tip ticket to total four.
- Tip tickets now available for renters to apply for at the Shire
- Tootgarook wetlands management and implementation plan
- Adoption of Amendment C219morn Housing for the Peninsula & Rye township plan
- Release of Shire land for lease at Mornington and Hastings for affordable housing developments.
- Implementation Hillview Reserve plan for nature-based playground
- Upgrades to maternal and child health centres and preschools. Redevelopment of community animal shelter and pound
- All abilities beach access mobi matting
- New public toilets across the Peninsula
- Adoption of masterplans across the Peninsula.
Antonella is an Independent and not a member of a political party.
She works with members of State and Federal Parliament who are interested in ways to invest and achieve the best results for the people of the Mornington Peninsula.
Former Councillor, Mayor and Deputy Mayor with the Mornington Peninsula Shire Couoncil. Antonella served the community for over 14 years lending her professional knowledge and experience to important Council decisions and reforms. Antonella will continue to be a strong advocate for the Mornington Peninsula to represent issues, seek opportunities for local, state and federal government funding for programs, services and projects on the Mornington Peninsula.
"My vision for the Mornington Peninsula is to value, protect and enhance
the characteristics and lifestyle that makes the Mornington Peninsula
a very special place for our community to live, work and enjoy their recreation."
It's Our Peninsula. Our Way of Life
- Advocate to improve overall customer satisfaction survey results score to deliver optimal service to our community.
- Improvements to our roads, footpaths & pedestrian crossings
- Advocate for intersection, traffic and pedestrian improvements at Elizabeth Ave & Pt Nepean Rd, Capel Sound, Truemans Rd, Morris & Pt Nepean Rd.
- Improve infrastructure and streetscapes at Capel Sound Shops, Rosebud and support for local business.
- Upgrade of sports pavilions & recreation reserves across the Tootgarook Ward and Mornington Peninsula
- Maintain open public spaces for community recreation & events.
- Oversee improvements to Memorial Hall Rosebud
- A Performing Arts & Culture Precinct on the southern Peninsula
- Better public transport services and connections
- Community Safety, Health and Wellbeing Initiatives
- Carbon neutral and energy efficient initiatives for the Shire
- Completion of the Peninsula Bay trail links.
- Advocacy for coastal infrastructure and pier construction on the southern Peninsula.
- Upgrade of community buildings and hubs across the Mornington Peninsula
- Social welfare issues for the disadvantaged, marginalised and homeless members of our community.
- Support for improved library services and facilities
- Learning and employment opportunities for young people and adults
- Economic development strategies for local traders, agricultural producers and tourism operators
- Protecting the Green Wedge, our coastal environment & Tootgarook Wetlands
- Enforcing planning controls to avoid inappropriate buildings in our townships and maintain neighbourhood character.
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