To my dear community of Tootgarook Ward and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
I would like to thank you for showing out with your mighty vote and support for me during my election campaign. It is with a heavy heart to advise that I was not successful in the re-election to retain my seat for Tootgarook Ward.
After the preferences were sorted Cam Williams was declared elected as Councillor for Tootgarook Ward after the preference distribution. Antonella Celi 4633 /Cam Williams 4929 Total votes 9562.
I take this opportunity to thank the community for your support and the amazing opportunity to serve you over the 14 years I have been on Council.
My Council journey has been an adventurous quest in every sense of the word, that has seen the achievement and delivery of great projects on the southern Peninsula, to many to mention, but all were what the community wanted and I had the privilege to work with Council and community to get them delivered!
I have met and worked alongside people from all walks of life, the Councillors, highly professional Council CEO, Directors, staff, industry stakeholders, State and Federal politicians and community interest groups who have taught me so much about our community, it's issues, it's strengths, dreams and goals that have helped shape Council strategies, plans and policies.
I am blessed to be a part of the Mornington Peninsula community, so no doubt will see you around as I continue to be involved.
Thank you to my campaign team and my family for being such a stronghold during my election. Your support was much appreciated. Amazing people.
Congratulations to Cam Williams and the newly elected Councillors. Wishing you all the best for the 2024-2028 Council term.
Thank you once again community for your tremendous support over the many years and congratulations for all that we have achieved.
Signing off Antonella Celi aka former Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor - Mornington Peninsula Shire 2010-2024.
Thanks for stopping by please continue reading to find out a bit more about me or if you would like any more information, please feel free to message me
Vote 1 CELI Antonella for Tootgarook Ward
Mornington Peninsula Shire Elections 2024
Antonella is an Independent and not a member of a political party.
She works with members of State and Federal Parliament who are interested
in ways to invest and achieve the best results for the people of the Mornington Peninsula.

Getting "back to basics” to deliver on roads, rates, rubbish
and services that matter most to our community
A Councillor for over 14 years, former Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Antonella Celi will stand for re-election in the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Elections 2024 to retain her seat to represent the community of the newly formed Tootgarook Ward, one of 11 new single Council wards that will include the townships of Rosebud, Capel Sound, Tootgarook and part of Rye.
Antonella Celi was elected to the Mornington Peninsula Shire in a by-election in 2010 for the Truemans Ward and then in 2012, 2016 and 2020 as one of three Councillors that continued to represent the Seawinds Ward and the townships of Tootgarook, Capel Sound, Rosebud, McCrae, Dromana, Safety Beach, Mt Martha (up to Hearn Rd) , Red Hill (the Summit)
Our community in Tootgarook ward is vibrant and diverse and has a strong focus on preserving the natural environment, enjoying our beaches and open spaces and bringing people together to collaborate, celebrate local events and work on local issues that promote community development and wellbeing outcomes.
In her role as Councillor, Antonella will continue to represent the aspirations of the local residents, community groups, business and organisations through key Shire Strategic Plans and Policies that will deliver on important projects and provide improved services for Tootgarook Ward and the broader Mornington Peninsula Shire community.
Antonella will continue to lend her professional knowledge and experience to important decisions for the community that has over the years already seen the achievement of many outcomes and delivery of local projects like the Aquatic Centre and Youth Hub in Rosebud, road upgrades to Broadway, Capel Sound and Wilkinson Rd, Tootgarook, footpaths on Illaroo St, Capel Sound and Alma Road, Tootgarook, protection of Tootgarook Wetlands; playground upgrades Vern Wright reserve & Marshall St, Tootgarook, upgrades to community buildings, sports reserves and support for many community and support groups and there is still a lot more to be done.
Together with the community, Antonella is determined to work and
👉advocate on issues
👉address the challenges
👉focus on opportunities and
👉seek Local, State and Federal government resources and funding to support our projects and services in Tootgarook Ward and across the Peninsula.
Now is a time to act and instill hope for a positive future direction.
A believer of advocating on behalf of the community across a broad range of topics and issues, Antonella is willing to listen and understand the concerns faced by the community..
By understanding what the community or an individual is concerned about, then work can begin to find a solution that may assist or improve the situation. Antonella may not have all the answers but is willing to research, advocate and discover as much as she can to provide further guidance, referral or networking opportunity.
Antonella is keen to continue to work closely with local residents, community groups, business and organisations on projects of key importance to the Seawinds Ward and the broader Shire community. As your Councillor, she works towards:
matching local government resources, programs and services with the needs of the community.
advocate for community issues and concerns.
foster community goodwill and relationship building.
inform and educate the community on options that are available to them through the Shire.
A resident of the Mornington Peninsula Shire since 2004, Antonella lives with her family in Dromana. Her career has included appointment as Mayor and Deputy Mayor with the Mornington Peninsula Shire, career as an Executive Assistant in PR and Marketing firms; Complimentary Health Therapist; Laboratory Assistant manufacturing herbal and homeopathic medicines; Corporate mailroom co-ordinator; house cleaner, homemaker, a mum, volunteer committee member and community advocate.
“Let’s work together to enhance the Social, Economic & Environmental Wellbeing of Our Community”
With over 14 years experience as a Councillor, Mayor and Deputy Mayor in Local Government, Antonella Celi has contributed her experience to advocate for the people of the Mornington Peninsula and has been appointed to numerous Shire Advisory Committees.
Past Associations and Cr Delegate Committees:
Former Member & Cr Delegate Committees 2021-2024
Appointed Representative:
■Audit and Risk Committee
■Communities that Care
■Health and Wellbeing Committee (Chair)
■Mornington Peninsula Cemetery Trust
Appointed Representative (sub):
■Literacy Advisory Committee
■Triple A Housing Committee
Member & Cr Delegate committees 2020-2021:
Appointed Representative:
■Communities That Care (CTC) (Chair)
■Health & Wellbeing Committee (Chair)
■Mornington Peninsula Cemetery Trust (Chair/Appointed Trustee)
■Positive Ageing Steering Committee (Chair)
■Triple A Housing Policy Reference Group (Chair)
■Innovation Advisory Committee
■Councillor Consultative Group - Market Stewardship
■Councillor Consultative Group - Future Workplace Strategy
Alternative Cr Delegate Representative:
■Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Forum
■Peninsula Advisory Committee for Elders (PACE)
Current Member of the following other Committees and Associations:
■MAV Human Services Committee
■Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA)
■Australian Local Government Womens' Association (ALGWA)
■ More Women for Local Government Forum and social media FB Page.
■Ministerial-Mayors Advisory Committee (Mayoral delegate 2014)
■Arts and Culture Advisory Panel
■Audit Committee
■Community Renewal (Chair)
■Community Consultative Committee on Responsible Gaming
■Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)
■Inter Council Aboriginal Consultative Committee (ICACC)
■Keep Australia Beautiful Tidy Towns - Sustainable Communities Award
■Mornington Peninsula Tourism Inc
■Mornington Peninsula Literacy Advisory Committee
■Metropolitan Transport Forum Delegate
■MAV Professional Development Committee
■Rotary Club of Dromana
■Rotary Club of Mount Martha lick here to edit text
Ex-Officio Member:
■The Seawinds Community Hub Board
■ Chisholm SMP Connect Advisory Group
Mornington Peninsula Shire Statutory Committees:
Chair & Member 1/7/20-24/10/20
■Planning Services Committee
■Forward Planning Committee
■ISection 223 Submission Committee
For Mornington Peninsula Shire 2020 Election results: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/results/2020-council-election-results/mornington-peninsula-shire-council Mornington Peninsula Shire Media Release on Elected Council: https://www.mornpen.vic.gov.au/About-Us/News-Media-Publications/News-Media/New-Mornington-Peninsula-Shire-Councillors-announced
For a detailed spreadsheet on the Seawinds Ward results: https://itsitecoreblobvecprd.blob.core.windows.net/public files/Council/Reports/MorningtonPeninsulaSeawindsWard2020Distribution.xls
For a detailed spreadsheet on the Seawinds Ward results: https://itsitecoreblobvecprd.blob.core.windows.net/public-files/Council/Reports/MorningtonPeninsulaSeawindsWard2020Distribution.xls
“I have worked with Antonella on the "Communities That Care" Committee and am most impressed with her attitude to Community programmes. She was chosen to be one of the leading speakers of that programme launch. Antonella is prepared to “Grasp the Nettle” and stand up for what she considers will best suit the Shire, I do not always agree with her on some issues; however I have no hesitation in voting for her”
Ian Lyons, Safety Beach
Ian Lyons, Safety Beach

As a creative industry professional, I have seen the local landscape grow immensely in the past couple of years. Antonella is the number one person who has stood out as a major supporter of the arts community. She has been physically present at many creative events, in amongst the people, listening and encouraging artists and lovers of art. Cr Antonella Celi is a superhuman with a big heart. She has always been there to listen to the Peninsula’s creatives and shown massive support within the arts community. Supporting music events and advocating for a thriving music scene.
Heidi Louise Luckhurst - President, Peninsula Music Network
Singer-Songwriter at Heidi Louise

"Antonella is a wonderful long standing supporter and advocate for Arts and Culture across the entire Mornington Peninsula"
Anthony Pope - President, Peninsula Chamber Musicians
The Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation is extremely grateful for the financial support they receive from the Mornington Peninsula Shire and in particular from Antonella Celi. We provide financial scholarships for students studying at Chisholm TAFE and with Antonella's incredible support we have been able to provide grants for 100% of eligible applicants on the Mornington Peninsula. Antonella has an amazing insight of the Mornington Peninsula community, its challenges and the importance that access to education and training can help develop a vibrant and prosperous community.
Robyn Campbell - Executive Officer
Caroline Chisholm Education

I think of all the wonderful causes you support and the compassion, empathy and understanding you have for the Seawinds Ward community. The support you provide, championing the underdog and encouraging those with the resources to take on a more active role. Thank you Cr. Antonella Celi and you deserve a landslide victory you are there for everyone.
Judy Cooper -
Co-ordinator, Salvation Army - Honelessness

"I personally thank you for your for your efforts on Council, and though we may not always have seen eye to eye on some issues, nevertheless I admire greatly how you who have sacrificed yourself in the service of the community over the last few years. It is an unbelievably difficult job. I wish you every success in the coming Council elections should you decide to re-nominate for Council."
Ken Dyer