To my dear community of Tootgarook Ward and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
I would like to thank you for showing out with your mighty vote and support for me during my election campaign. It is with a heavy heart to advise that I was not successful in the re-election to retain my seat for Tootgarook Ward.
After the preferences were sorted Cam Williams was declared elected as Councillor for Tootgarook Ward after the preference distribution. Antonella Celi 4633 /Cam Williams 4929 Total votes 9562.
I take this opportunity to thank the community for your support and the amazing opportunity to serve you over the 14 years I have been on Council.
My Council journey has been an adventurous quest in every sense of the word, that has seen the achievement and delivery of great projects on the southern Peninsula, to many to mention, but all were what the community wanted and I had the privilege to work with Council and community to get them delivered!
I have met and worked alongside people from all walks of life, the Councillors, highly professional Council CEO, Directors, staff, industry stakeholders, State and Federal politicians and community interest groups who have taught me so much about our community, it's issues, it's strengths, dreams and goals that have helped shape Council strategies, plans and policies.
I am blessed to be a part of the Mornington Peninsula community, so no doubt will see you around as I continue to be involved.
Thank you to my campaign team and my family for being such a stronghold during my election. Your support was much appreciated. Amazing people.
Congratulations to Cam Williams and the newly elected Councillors. Wishing you all the best for the 2024-2028 Council term.
Thank you once again community for your tremendous support over the many years and congratulations for all that we have achieved.
Signing off Antonella Celi aka former Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor - Mornington Peninsula Shire 2010-2024.
Yawa Aquatic Centre in Rosebud is a signature project for the Mornington Peninsula and is now officially opened for the community to enjoy!
The Aquatic Centre has been constructed to include a new indoor 51.5m 8 lane pool, warm water and learn to swim pools, aqua play area, spa sauna and steam rooms, family change village, offices, reception, cafe, entry foyer, health club including program rooms, social space, gymnasium, multi-purpose room, wellness centre, external terraced areas and landscaping.
Value: $35.8 million
Operations of Facility: Belgravia Leisure
Due for Completion: late 2020/21
Opening Date: 9th July, 2021
- Community Houses $20k Red Hill Ward pilot & additional $5k for all other Houses $85,000
- Development of Dromana Precinct Plan: $50K
- Dromana Community Hub Feasibility: $75K
- Dromana Industrial Estate ‐ Parking and lane line marking $22,000
- Line Marking of Dromana Industrial Estate: $22K
- Marna Reserve Dromana Netball Court Renewal & Drainage upgrade $530,000
- Drainage improvements at Dromana Community Garden
- Marna Reserve Dromana Pavilion Renewal & Upgrade $250,000
- Sports Field Lighting Package Dromana Recreation Reserve $124,000
- Black Spot Programs $286,000
- Dromana/Condirington/Ligar St Intersection Upgrade $124,000
- Dromana Safer Residential Areas: $600K
- Dromana Cemetery Access Road Upgrade: $65K
- Eyrie Creek McCrae Restoration Project $25,000
- McCrae Yacht Club Fence: $20K
- Replacement of Existing Fence McCrae Yacht Club: $20K
- Bayview Road Footpath : $520K
- McCrae Lighthouse Restoration: $1M
- Rosebud Tennis Club ‐ Court Lighting Renewal $100,000
- Rosebud Youth Hub ‐ Relocation Project $100,000
- Rosebud Aquatic Centre Traffic Signals $1,736.184
- Rosebud Cricket Nets Renewal Program $150,000 - Delivered
- Rosebud Boneo Road Traffic Signal Change: $1.2M
- Tennis Court Lighting Upgrade $1.8M
- Rosebud Olympic Reserve Cricket Net Renewal: $280K
- Rosebud Safer Residential Streets: $700K
- Safety Beach Masterplan $50K
- Safety Beach Public Toilet: $600K
- Safety Beach Master Plan Implementation $50,000
- Safety Beach Rock Revetment Remedial Works $60,000
- Illaroo St: Footpath Plan, Design and Delivery: $250K
- Broadway, Capel Sound Road Reconstruction (Roads to Recovery) $1.5M
- Tootgarook: Wilkinson Street and Carmichael Street - Road Upgrade
- Boundary Road Car Park Extension $85K Completed
- Dromana Pre-School refurbishment & additions $650K Completed
- Gibson Street footpath $57K - Completed
- Dromana Maternal & Child Health Centre upgrade $300K Completed
- Toilet refurbishment Dromana Community Hall - Completed
- Rainier Avenue & Palmerston Ave - Local Area Traffic Management
- Dromana Sports Pavilion
- Ponderosa Place Intersection Improvements
- Pt Nepean Rd foothpath renewal:
- Dromana Safer Residential Areas: $600K Completed
- Muir Court Pump Station
- Truemans Road Crocket Nets
- Truemans Rd Recreation Reserve Oval 1 Reconstruction $750K Completed
- New public toilet at Vern Wright Reserve
- Truemans Rd Path
- Truemans Rd Athletics Track
- Truemans Road Netballl Courts
- Truemans Rd Cricket Nets
- New shed for relocation of Woodworkers of the Southern Peninsula
- Refurbishment of building and relocation of SP Amateur Radio Club
- Footpath, Bayview Rd, McCrae
- New player change rooms & amenities Olympic Park Reserve $3M Completed
- Rosebud Aquatic Centre Car Park
- Destination Rosebud - Gateway Structure (part of $4M) dest Rosebud)
- Hinton Street School Crossiing
- Rosebud Tennis Courts Fencing & Sprinkler Replacement
- Jetty Road/Old Cape Schanck Road Roundabout
- Jetty Road Streetscape
- Destination Rosebud
- Eastbourne Traffic Management Works
- New Public Toilet
- Jetty Road Playspace
- Power & Water Supply upgrades Foreshore Camping
- Tassels Cove Rock revetment & remedial works
- LATM Marine Drive & Martha Cove - Completed
- Beach Access Mobi-Matting for people with a disability $80K
- Hinterland Water Scheme: $100K
- Pilot Grants Program for improved accessibility: $25K
- Positive Ageing Navigation Pilot Project: $105K
- SMP/WMP Chisholm Connect Scholarships $40K
- Wellbeing in School Program Dromana Primary& Secondary, Eastbourne Primary, Rosebud Secondary, $12,200 (total Shire: $31,400)
- Dreamhouse Theatre Performing Arts: $20K
- Mornington Peninsula Music Network: $28K
- Peninsula Chamber Musicians: $20K
- Peninsula Film Festival: $40K
- Peninsula Music Society Bursary Awards: $10K
- SPARK Performing Arts: $20K
- Pimp My Scoot Positive Ageing Short Film: $10K
- Summer Music Festival: $28K